Nutrition Consultant

Facilities (Schools | Organizations)

Facilities often seek advice regarding nutrition education for staff and families, menu planning, and private consultations on their premises. We provide these services according to your facilities’ needs.
Screening sessions can be arranged to special needs schools or facilities taking care of neuro-disabled patients. The value of these visits can assist to identify those at high risk of nutritional deficiencies and poor growth where nutrition interventions can be established.

Medico-legal expert

We provide expert advice for neuro-disabled medico-legal cases, especially in cerebral palsy. We pride ourselves on reports written based on current scientific information and prioritize each client’s nutritional needs.

Health and Nutrition writer

Educational material for both parents, facilities, and healthcare professionals can be developed. Articles pertaining to nutrition in neuro-disabilities is our big focus.

Public speaking

Book us for an event where we will combine our expertise on nutrition and neuro-disabilities into a captivating presentation.


You have spoken and we have

Reach out for a quotation
or book an appointment.